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Friday, 21 March 2014

NKANDLA(clean version)

If money is the root of evil,
I bet he dug very deep by now.
All those who fought more than
He did during those tough days,
Before him they bow.

A black white house in our
Country where a tree that
Bear millions is anchored.
Looking at those homeless kids,
Tears slowly drop from my eyes,
When I think that even cows
Are given the hospitality that
Our poor brothers and sister
Don’t deserve.

Our grandparents left their fields for us,
But we don’t even have money
To buy the seeds of life.
We are sometimes sleeping
With empty stomachs,
No water, no electricity, no shelter.
We are hypnotized by the people
In charge. Those whom we look up
For, when we are in need.

Ge ele sebata sona se bataletsi,
Ge ka moka di senyega, se lebeletsi
Bana ba thari e ntsho ba fetsa ke malwetsi,
Dihlare kua dipetlele ba feletswi,
Tshelete yona re jetswi,
Ka ge le bona gore moago sebata se agetswi.
Ke NKANDLA, lentsu leo re swanetsego
Go le goeletsa, ka gore ka nnete
Re lapishitswe ke bo menetsa.

We have a mini country in
Our own nation, South Africa
A rainbow nation, the land of the free,
Nkandla, the land of the rich.

21 March 1960,
69 lives were lost, in order
For us to taste the fruits of freedom.
But they never informed us that the
Fruits were this bitter.
If this is what they call freedom, I’d
Be glad to become a slave to a white man.

The black government is not
Doing any justice to our nation.
We are treated like puppets,
We speak whenever they
They want us to.

They threatened the public protector
For doing her job, I wonder what they
Had in mind by then. See…
I’m in love with my country, but
It seems like hatred is branching out
To the current leaders for their mischief.

Ba agishane ga basa dumedishwa,
Ba agetswi legora ka ge bahumi
Ba sa kopane le bahlaki.
Re ba nameditse godimo gore
Ba re kgele dikenywa tsa bophelo,
Efela ba re tshwela ka mare,
Batho ba tse mpe dipelo.

NKANDLA leina la go llomisha mala,
Motse wa maemo a godimo,
Efela rena ba re gana ka dintlo tsa mahala.
Ka dipelo re ba sweri,
Dikgupi le tsona re di rweli,
Kgankga e ja nkgawane.

Ge a dirile tse pedi dihlogo
Tsa go tlala maaka le meetse,
O ka se mmotse selo.
Dipalo dia pala, enoba kgowa
Ya go se tsebe le sekgowa.
Sa gagwe ke go jeletsa batho
Letsese la dipeketsana.

I write what I like, because
It is my right to say what is right.
My duty to put the truth right
In front of your eyes.
I really feel for the homeless beings,
Let Nkandla be a charity home,
Then South Africa shall be free
And have peace.


BIRTHDAY TWINS (dedicated to Donna and Tumelo)

On this day, years ago
She was soaking in sweat,
All her muscles contracted,
And her voice box torn apart
As she delivered two soldiers
To fight for her wellbeing.

She knew how hard it would be,
How exhausting and painful it is.
But she believed that the soldiers
Won the battle just before it started.
So she was not really worried
About the war zone ahead.

The two soldiers had things in common
Though their genders were different,
Without any offence.
I’d sometimes regard them as one gender,
For their powerful thoughts, passion 
And strength to conquer the impossible.

They fought for one another,
During good and bad times,
They stood by each other’s side,
Wiped each other’s tears.
What more can they demand?
Woo asa reng shatee wa duma,
O duma baga Mokaila ge
Ba godishitse, thari e atile.
Are thabeng le bona,
Re nyakalle ebe shebeshebe.
Mashole a fentse ntwa ya moya.

Birthday twins, yes they are.
Beautiful creatures that I adore,
Though, no homo to the other  one.
I wish them a happy birthday
And advice them to take care.
Know their responsibilities before
Attempting to practice their rights.


People always tell me how to
Build the future ahead,
But whenever I think of my
Short comings, I wish tomorrow
Can be my yesterday and today
Would be the day before,
So I would not have to taste the
Bitterness that’s coming my way.

I never thought things will
End up looking this bad,
Maybe I was spoon fed to
An extend where I forgot that
One day I have to look the world
Straight into its eyes, face to face.

Phase to phase,
Yes things keep on changing.
And my life seem to be falling
Into the hands that fail to hold me.
I was told to read between the lines,
But my visions were always a nightmare,
So through the dark, I could not
See what’s right from what’s wrong.

If only I could turn back
The hands of time,
I’d enjoy staying forever young
And avoid witnessing the corruption
By his majesty Jay-Z.
How does one build a future
Without stepping stones?
Books are dumped in bushes,
Poor kids, we are learning
With empty stomachs.

Today, tomorrow, together is
Just a slogan for another
Money marketing scheme, but
Behold we are left broke.

So today we may cry,
Tomorrow, taste our bitter tears,
And together we have to win this battle.
So as the sunrise, let’s hope not
To drink from the same stream
As yesterday.

Wednesday, 12 March 2014


The eyes of this world
took a closer look
at the blueprints
of its off-springs.
We emerged from tombstones
of our early ancestors,
their souls resurrected
in our hearts,
so we pumped out
the black blood
and smeared
on the scripts of life.

Our voices longed
to be heard by the deaf,
so the inner voice
insisted to poke
their spiritual ears,
now they feel every word
which tap their eardrums.

Rutang bana ditaola
le se ye natso badimong.
Let them know their roots,
as the heavy rains
of Queen Modjadji
feed the thirsty seeds of the soil.

Though sometimes culture
is not realy fair,
because we give life
by taking one from another being.
We pay the grounds
for our good lucks,
No wonder why
we are left poor,
while our stolen
lands are kept rich with minerals
and we still holding the traded
mirrors, looking at
fake reflections of our well-beings.

The cultural revolution
continues, its up to us
whether we hold on
or we on hold
of the mythical scriptures.
God bless the Brainchild!!